Our Vision
We will provide:
• Library services that are valued by our diverse community and those in our Regional Library System.
• A welcoming and lively interactive and lifelong learning center for the community.
• Timely and accurate information assistance that will inform and empower the public.
• Services and collections that are relevant to community needs, readily accessible, and easy to use.
• A highly capable staff that reflects the diversity of Van Buren County and works well together to provide quality service to all users.
• Appropriate facilities which are inviting and well maintained.
• Technology that appropriately expands and enhances service.
• Defense of intellectual freedom and the confidentiality of each individual's use of the library.
• A close working relationship with other libraries, community agencies and organizations that foster cooperation, making the most efficient and effective use our taxpayer's resources.
Our Values
• Both staff and users are encouraged to enjoy their library experience.
• Our users are the reason the library exists. We strive to provide quality service and treat all users fairly and equally. Services are provided in a non-judgmental manner that is sensitive to and supportive of human differences.
• Our employees and volunteers are valued as individuals and for their important contributions to the organization. An open exchange of ideas is encouraged throughout the system. We nurture our talents and each other.
• We are a learning organization that is not afraid to change and take appropriate risks in pursuit of meeting community needs. We constantly reassess our services and methods and try to see ourselves through the public's eyes.
• We maintain high standards in our work and help instill a sense of pride in all employees, as well as a strong sense of responsibility and integrity.